梁健能 Jianneng Liang-教授/研究院-深大官网-深大官网



  梁健能,2015年本科毕业于中南大学,2020年博士毕业于加拿大西安大略大学(博士导师:孙学良院士),2020年12月份加入深圳大学化学与环境工程学院孙学良院士工作站以专职研究员的身份进行科学研究工作。博士期间以及专职研究员期间的研究工作都集中在固态电解质的合成、固态锂离子电池、固态锂硫电池、界面工程、以及使用原位表征技术对电池的界面物理、化学性质等方面的研究。并取得了多项原创性成果。已发表超过40余篇SCI论文,他引次数>2300次,H因子27.其中以第一作者/共同第一作者,或通讯作者/共同通讯作者在Adv. Energy Mater., Nano Energy, Energy Storage Mater., J. Mater. Chem. A等国际著名期刊上共计发表7篇论文,申请中国专利4项。


1. Zhiheng Ren, Jixiao Li, Yangyang Gong, Jianneng Liang*, Yongliang Li, Chuanxin He, Qianling Zhang, Xiangzhong Ren*, Insight into the combination way of ceramic solid-state electrolyte fillers in the composite electrolyte for high performance solid-state lithium metal battery. Energy Storage Mater., (IF: 18.8), 2022, accepted.

2. J. Liang, D. Chen, K. Adair, Q. Sun, N. G. Holmes, Y. Zhao, Y. Sun, J. Luo, R. Li, S. Zhao, S. Lu, H. Huang, X. Zhang, C. V. Singh, X. Sun*, Insight into Prolonged Cycling Life of 4 V All-Solid-State Polymer Batteries by a High-Voltage Stable Binder, Adv. Energy Mater. (IF:25), 2021, 11, 2002455.

3. J. Liang, Y. Sun, Y. Zhao, Q. Sun, J. Luo, F. Zhao, X. Lin, X. Li, R. Li, L. Zhang, S. Lu, H. Huang, and X. Sun*, Engineering the Conductive Carbon/PEO Interface to Stabilize Solid Polymer Electrolytes for All-Solid-State High Voltage LiCoO2 Batteries, J. Mater. Chem. A (IF: 11.3) 2020, 8, 2769-2776;

4. J. Liang, J. Luo, Q. Sun, X. Yang, R. Li, X. Sun*, Recent progress on solid-state hybrid electrolytes for solid-state lithium batteries, Energy Storage Mater. (IF: 16.3), 2019, 21, 308-334;

5. J. Liang, Q. Sun, Y. Zhao, Y. Sun, C. Wang, W. Li, M. Li, D. Wang, X. Li, Y. Liu, K. Adair, R. Li, L. Zhang, R. Yang, S Lu, H. Huang, X. Sun*, Stabilization of all-solid-state Li-S batteries with a polymer–ceramic sandwich electrolyte by atomic layer deposition, J. Mater. Chem. A (IF: 11.3) 2018, 6 (46), 23712-23719;

6. J. Liang, S. Hwang, S. Li, J. Luo, Y. Sun, Y. Zhao, Q. Sun, W. Li, M. Li, M. N. Banis, X. Li, R. Li, L. Zhang, S. Zhao, S. Lu, H. Huang, D. Su, X. Sun*, Stabilizing and understanding the interface between Nickel-rich cathode and PEO-based electrolyte by lithium niobium oxide coating for high performance all-solid-state batteries, Nano Energy (IF: 16.6), 2020, 78, 105107.

7. Z. Ren. J. Li, Y. Gong, X. Li, J. Liang*. Y. Li, C. He, Q. Zhang, X. Ren*, Efficient capture and conversion of polysulfides by zinc protoporphyrin framework-embedded triple-layer nanofiber separator for advanced Li-S batteries, J. Colloid Interface Sci. (IF: 8.1), 2022, 609, 43-53.